These two thoughts have been floating around in my head. Both of which I have posted, just in case you have not read them. Here are both of them combined. The first is about new hip hop artists as a whole. The second is about so-called musical saviors. Read them and let me know what you think.
A lot of ya’ll cats make hip hop cause your bored. You never really realized what the true meaning of this vast culture was. You are only in it for your name sake. If you took a minute to actually think about it. You are doing exactly what hip hop doesn't stand for. Glorifying ones self for personal gain. Education is a facet of hip hop. Come on now, that’s something that we all should know. Yet to some people hip hop is their meal ticket and by no means am i knocking that hustle. Do you young blood. but like the quote says there are too many emcees not enough fans. Sometimes an emcee needs to be a fan before he EVER decides to step to the mic trying to rock it..for the ahem greater good/ saving hip hop from the riff raff/putting the city of blank on my back.
Whats the fate of your favorite genre? Are you ready to do what you can or can’t to save it. Yeah that's right I'm talking to you up and coming artist who feels as though you are gods gift to music. the one that must “change the game so that the future can thrive” yeah let me just be the first to say you better do what you do u lil dreamer you. In reality. You are about the twentieth person to say some shit like that. and you see ain't shit change but the day. You want to spark change then listen to other artists and collab. do something new and stop trying to say your the new fresh sounds that music needs. unless you are gods gift and starting a new musical renaissance u ain't gonna do shit but drop a few albums maybe get a buzz that will last a lil while then end up at Costco grabbing carts talking about I'm the next MC such and such. Again I'm not trying to knock you what you do your craft is good. but you have to have realistic goals. You can’t take over the game in a day. you better rent that game first figure it out then make your moves. remember its chess not checkers. Simple bitches need simple games. If you want complexity then you need to evolve and grow up.