Thursday, September 02, 2010

This sounds familiar...

I think I am a fairly good person when it comes to my thoughts on music. I listen to everything, yes literally everything. (As I'm writing this blog I have Daft Punk playing). Trying to give it all a fair chance. But as a former producer...well a producer who is on his own personal Detox shit. This is something that goes and gets to me every time. That is when two tracks (worse when they are one after another). That pretty much sound the same.

This to me is an album faux pas. It is as if they liked the song a little TOO much and decided to keep it going. Or the producer liked a particular sample and kept it going throughout. This to me gives off a feel of a lazy musician. Think of some same sampled songs...I'll wait..I know your going to find something.

For Example:

Please don't forget the whole Crime Mob cd. Each track had a sample that went track to track.

I think there are many more. I just want producers to stop doing so. Show your versatility and expand your horizons.

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